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These are the Times

The last two weeks:

Envelopes with signatures across the seal.

Hitting the submit button in a web site that might actually change my life.

A celebration for two of my favorite people deciding that they are meant for each other.

Rereading essays for the seventeenth time.

Human behavior, imitation and culture.

A red scarf, knit by yours truly, with only a few small holes.

Crossing fingers and toes for good friends trying to change or maintain their lives.

Four-hour meetings, three days in a row.

A new team member.

Learning about the writing of the constitution, Aristotle and the stoics, the history of the United Nations, scientific tidbits, and the Medicis.

A movie poster designed by me, one that's based on wishful thinking.

Resumes, too many iterations.

Anthrax, mail, fedex, subway, bomb threats.

Reading, writing.

Black roots rejuvenated, too chicken not to stay blond.

Five less pounds. Lifetime membership.

Stress, lack of sleep, anticipation, fear, worry.

Stolen moments of desire and love.


Previously? Heels.

October 20, 2001 | previous | personal | share[]
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