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The Wrong Path

Aren't you sick of my happiness class just yet?

Well, the good news is that next week is my last class. The bad news is that here comes another happiness entry:

In yesterday's class, we talked about taking the wrong path, making bad choices. My teacher mentioned conversing with women in their forties who tell him that had it not been for their marriage and children, they could have been successful and had a better life.

If only...

What a crock of crap, if you ask me. First of all, there's absolutely no guarantee that their life would have turned out well had they not married and had offspring. What seems to be a successful career can disappear overnight (as too many people are finding out recently). We never really know where an unchosen path would have lead us. We only know the outcome of the chosen path, and not even much of that.

The other part of the point that bothers me is the assumption that the initial decision of marriage and children over career was not actually a choice but a pre-made decision. It implies that either the woman wasn't allowed to make the choice, or worse, that she decided on that option without even having thought about it too much.

I could swear that I wrote an entry on making choices and how everything is about a priority chosen over another one, but I can't find it. The fact is, every decision we make matters. Each decision deserves thought and careful consideration. There's something to be said for the value of spontaneity but major decisions that are guaranteed to alter the course of your life deserve some premeditation. It's highly possible that a tiny, seemingly minor decision turns your life upside down, but such is life.

It seems to me that if you go through life without thinking about your choices, if they go wrong, you'll end up full of regret, like the women my teacher mentioned. This is your life. Make your own decisions. Because, in the end, you're responsible for them.

Whether you like it or not.

Previously? Not Exactly a Stranger.

December 11, 2001 | previous | psychology & philosopy | share[]
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