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Since Google has a reputation for having harrowing interviews, I thought it best to prepare as much as possible. Even though I wasn't sure if The Search would be helpful, I figured it couldn't hurt. It turned out to be a fascinating read and gave me a lot to think about and a lot to talk about. If you don't know a lot about the history of search and if it does interest you, I would highly recommend this read. Despite the cover design, the book is not solely about Google and explores the full history of search engines.

I also read The Google Story, again, hoping that it might give me some insight or clever conversation pieces. I'll be fully honest that I haven't finished this one. Partly because I only had ten days between the phone interview and the on-site one and I read non-fiction much more slowly. This is much more specific to Google and it's more personal and less about search. It's more about the people behind the story and about how the company got started. At least so far. More interesting if you're into the company story. Also, well-written.

I think these might fill the non-fiction quota of this and last month.

June 26, 2006 | literature | share[]
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