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Every night, after we put David in his crib (yes, he is still in a crib and he will be until he learns to climb out of it!), I read him a book. Last week, we started reading the Cat in the Hat and it has quickly become his favorite book. As soon as Jake puts him down, he starts chanting "Cat, Hat, cat, hat!" until I show up with the book. Then we both sit down and I read.

Tonight, I switched to another Dr. Seuss book and when we finished he said, "More Cat in Hat" and so we read another and then he said "more" and I said "No more tonight my love, we'll read more tomorrow." I so hope he is like that for the rest of his life.

If I am able to pass on my love of reading to David, it will be one of the best presents I could ever give him.

September 30, 2007 | david | share[]
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