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I've never been fond of years that start with odd numbers.

Despite the fact that David was born in an odd-numbered year, I've just sort of disliked them. To be fair, 2007 was a pretty good year to me. For the most part, I was perfectly healthy and made some progress in all areas of my life.

It was my first full-year of not-at-home employment since David was born. I spent the first part of the year doing two different positions and working myself way too hard. Thankfully, I woke up somewhere along the line and changed my job so that I work with products I feel more passionate about. I also got to meet some amazing people through this new position and am working daily on enjoying it as much as possible.

2007 was mostly the year of scrapping and creating art for me. I did 270 pages of minibooks or layouts. I applied for DT positions and was blessed to get one at my favorite place: A Million Memories. I also submitted a few pieces of work and one got accepted to be published in an upcoming Lisa Bearnson book.

I read over forty books. That's not nearly as many as the years before, but considering the full-time job and the full-time scrapping, I'd say that's pretty good.

I took over 10,000 photos. Most of them are David or layouts but there are a few trips here and there. To San Diego. To LA. To Fitzgerald National Park. To Pismo Beach.

Here's some of the stuff I didn't do: I spent a lot of quality time with David and Jake and yet it wasn't enough. I didn't lose weight. Actually, I gained weight. I didn't hang out with my friends enough. I didn't keep in touch with people enough. I didn't write my novel. I didn't blog enough. I didn't exercise at all. I didn't go camping enough. I didn't spend enough quiet time to enjoy life.

These things will be rectified in 2008. It's an even year after all.

©2007 karenika.com