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The Big Trip

After a week in the Caymans, two days in NYC, ten days in Turkey and four days in Boston, we're back on the road. This time our final destination, and hopefully our new home, is San Diego.

We've learned some good lessons from the first leg back in May so our car is a lot less heavy now. We broke up the stuff across three smaller bags instead of one huge one. We didn't bring the 47 pairs of shoes I own. We traded the box of books for a bag of books. Especially since all I read in the last month was Five Quarters of an Orange, the Shipping News, the Eight and Range of Motion.

The back seat holds only the food, the cooler and the AAA maps. We have two 12-packs of diet coke and quite a bit of snacks.

We put another 256megs of RAM into my laptop and got a car-charger so I can continue the Python coding I've been doing for my father-in-law. We brought along two more laptops, the little libretto and an old loaner. With one blackberry, two phones, three laptops, five cameras, two iPods, one Rio, one Palm and one Visor, we have quite a bit of charging to keep up with.

We planned out most of the route. The trip doesn't really start until we leave St.Louis since we've seen most everything east of that, we decided to zoom to Missouri, see our friends and go from there. We have 21-driving days planned but I can't so far tell if we've over or under estimated.

We didn't get on the road till 1pm but we're now making way through Pennsylvania, hoping to reach St.Louis tomorrow night. We've already begun reading a fascinating book, The Secret House by David Bodanis.

Right as we entered Connecticut, I looked over to my right and made an eye-connection with a driver to my right. I remarked to Jake about how much the driver looked like my friend Pat. A few minutes later, the same car put on its sirens and pulled us over. The cop came over to me and after giving us a bit of a hard time decided a ticket would be a terrible way to start our trip, so he let us go.


July 03, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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