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I am catching up to all the "Freedom" prompts so you will see three in a row. Here's the one from Monday: Share an old photo of yourself and a current photo of yourself with your blog readers. Tell them a little something that has changed and a little that has stayed the same.

Here's the first photo that came to my mind. One from a long time ago:

And One from May of this year:

Let's talk about what's changed:
Hair Color. Hair Length. Weight (Free food is great but not for your weight.) New York vs Palo Alto. Goldman vs Google. Coding vs Not So Much. Single vs Married. Not a Mom vs a Mom. Back then I didn't have a fancy camera and wasn't nearly as into photography as an art. I hadn't begun scrapping. I was writing novels. I had never gone camping. I didn't really know how to drive. Creative Therapy.

Let's talk about what hasn't changed:
Working. Trying to balance it all out. Trying to figure things out. Taking photos. Reading. Blogging. Jake. Many of my friends. Pursuit of Happiness and Peace.

July 16, 2008 | random thoughts | share[]
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