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1. I think one more day of sleep was all I needed. Thankful to finally be feeling a bit better. Not fully but I'll take what I get.
2. The book is here. So thankful to have a great book to read.
3. Thankful it's Friday. I need a lot of rest this week this weekend.
4. Thankful for another date night tonight. Getting spoiled.
5. Have I mentioned the book is here?
6. And thankful for the quality time with the little one. We've been reading books upside down and snuggling in bed and having so much fun together.
7. Thankful for a kind, generous and understanding husband. Especially since the illness seems to have made me a bit crazy. Thankful for his patience.
8. And again thankful for the book!! I love having a good story to turn to when I need some quiet time.

August 08, 2008 | thankful today | share[]
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