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I spent the entire night listening to the storms and the airplanes. In the morning it was still raining and tornado warnings in the area resumed.

We attempted to go to Mud Island but the rain was too strong and the best part of what's to see is outside so we decided to skip it and drive to Cherokee National Forest.

Halfway through the trip, we got tired and decided to skip Cherokee Park and drive straight to Knoxville or the Great Smokey Mountains. We decidedto camp around there, or stay in a hotel and get on the trail first thing in the morning.

Since the accident we've both been pretty nervous about driving which makes days like this, where we drive mindlessly all day, really frustrating and taxing. Today's been a pretty bad day since it poured pretty much all day and we didn't stop to see anything. We're both sort of grouchy and tired. I don't know if it's simply an effect of driving for so many days or just today's bad conditions. I guess we'll find out tomorrow.

Gas: $12.17@1.37
Miles on the car: 4962
Lodging: Memphis airport Travelodge @ $46
States: TN
Sites: drove all over the state of Tennessee but didn't stop for sight-seeing

May 17, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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