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Teenage Coders

So the McSweeney's reading was a flop. We got there at 7:15 and the line was already a block and a half long. And that's outside. They also had a weaving line inside the place. By the time we made it to the actual entrance, they were already full and sent people back home. Bummer. But I guess it's been that kind of week for me.

Slashdot discusses the NYTimes article about teenager programmers who'd rather take a high paying job than go to college. For me, college was so much more than classes. The slashdotters make some great points about the computer science information you learn in college that you really wouldn't learn anywhere else. But on an even higher level, college is the only time in your life that you get to be away from home and make your own decisions. Yet you don't have to work all day long, you don't have to pay rent and you are in an environment where you're surrounded by other people your age. People in college spend hours philosophizing and talking about nothing. I just think that if you skip college, you miss out on a lot of great memories and lifelong friends. While making money is nice and makes you feel like a grownup, you have the rest of your life to do that. What's the rush?

September 07, 2000 | previous | learning & education | share[]
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