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Taking Care

I'm sure you've heard the phrase "Today's the first day of the rest of your life" often enough, but last week, I made the decision to really make today a different day for myself. I am trying out a three-month experiment on following my own advice and taking better care of my body, heart, brain, and skin. Since I truly believe that it's all a mindset, I decided to change mine. I'm sure you'll get to see how well I manage to keep it up.

One of the things I notice in most successful people is that they were totally ambitious about what they wanted. There are a few lucky people who fell into something they liked and got to do it, but most people worked hard and totally concentrated on wanting the life they eventually got. Think of your own life. Your goals. Are you where you've always wanted to be? If so, you're in a rare situation, make the most of it. If not, why not?

September 25, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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