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Stuck in Florida

I know it's been almost a week since I wrote. We spent Thursday and Friday nights in Coral Gables and here's what I had written on that:

After two nights at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables we're finally back on the road again. It turns out jazz festival is going on in New Orleans so we picked a good time to go. Leg two of out trip has officially begun and I can't say I'm sorry to leave hot HOT Miami.

We did get to see beautiful Daphne and awesome Rony for brunch and we're on our way to meet with Ryan who's a good friend of six. We also got to hang out with Jake's family so it was a well-worth two day stop.

On the way to Ryan's we got off the highway to get gas and some guy rearended us. Which meant that our brand new car was smashed and we had to wait here till Monday to find out what we were supposed to do with the insurance. On Monday we took the poor car to a shop and the guy said it would take a week to fix it so we've been stuck in Lantana, Florida for the last five days. Lantana is in Palm Beach County which isn't the worst place to get stuck but we're both so bummed about the car that it wouldn't matter where we were.

After giving our car to the shop and renting another one, we decided we might as well have some fun. We went to see the Lion Safari and watched both X2 and Bend It Like Beckham which were both really good. Though I would completely have prefered not to have crashed the car and to be in New Orleans now. Major bummer.

More updates will come as soon as we're back on the road by Friday, if all goes well.

May 07, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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