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And finally the prompt from today: The things that inspire us are often linked to what we label as quirks in our personalities: things we like that others seem to dismiss. What quirk could you share with your blog readers to see if they really dismiss this or if it’s something you have in common?

Well I don't know if it's a quirk but I can never leave an art piece unfinished. Not a layout. Not a journal page. Nothing. I can't leave it there and come back to it later. I have to do it all the way. Now or never. I used to think that this was a bad thing. That it was a sign that I could never be an artist. Artists can walk away from their art and come back to it but since I can't, it's another sign that I'm not really an artist and won't be one.

Then, yesterday, an artist that I admire greatly made a post that talks about some of her life and art. She said this:

DO YOU EVER STOP AND START A PIECE OVER BECAUSE OF HOW IT'S EVOLVING OR NOT EVOLVING? No. I push through it. Art is about what is happening right now. IT IS WHAT IT IS IN THE MOMENT I WAS CREATING IT. And that could be crap. But, if I stop a piece I will likely never go back.

And it immediately made me feel better. Maybe there was a chance for me afterall.

July 17, 2008 | random thoughts | share[]
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