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Still Sick

Goody Links
Two weird links today, both from the pages of MetaFilter.

The first is disgusting and as someone who actually does eat at McDonalds, this link brought me a step closer to becoming vegetarian today.

The second is quite creepy. I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this, yet so I will refrain from commenting further.

Btw, a few days too late for me but if you ever get the Feliz Navided virus, this page will help you fix it. Or so I'm told. No personal guarantees since I didn't fix mine that way.

Still in severe amounts of pain. I am so thankful to those of you who've been kind enough to send me cards and wish me well. I'm sure it will be over soon enough, I'm just dreading having to sit for three hours to take that exam on Sunday. To add to that, I haven't cracked the book open all week. Thank you so much for your thoughtful messages.

I'm awful about email. The way email works for me is that I either reply immediately or it sits in my inbox for weeks which turn into months. I folder all my mail once it's answered and so I know that anything in my Inbox is something that needs a response. I have messages there from August. That's how bad I am. Whenever I write a mail to someone, I can never wait for the answer without worrying. I want to get their answer immediately. If a full day passes, I'm already heartbroken and disappointed that the person didn't care enough to reply. And here I am doing the very same thing. It's awful and it's incredibly rude. If you sent me mail and I didn't respond and you're reading this, I apologize wholeheartedly. I've been using the Japanese exam excuse for the last few weeks but I can always come up with one cuz my life is full enough to pull one out of a list. To be honest, my life wouldn't mean anything to me without the people who do send me mail and call me and are happy to spend time with me. If I blow those people off, I deserve to be alone. People deserve better. You deserve better. I apologize. I will reply. I mean it.

I have so many thoughts dancing in my head lately. Thoughts about my life. Thoughts about who I am. Who I want to be. Who I should be. Who I will never be. I try hard to get to know myself and understand why I feel the need to do some of the things I do. More on this later, most likely.

Today, three of my workmates and I had lunch together. One girl was from Russia and the other girl and guy were from India. We started talking bout the games we played as kids, during recess, etc. It was amazing how many games we had in common. Russia, India and Turkey and the games were exactly the same. I find it fascinating that even then, before the web (and since we only had one TV channel when I was a kid and it was government regulated, you can't even say we saw them on TV) our cultures had all that in common. I think that's fascinating and wonderful.

Tomorrow is World AIDS day. Please take the time to share your stories, educate yourself, and share your knowledge.


November 30, 2000 | previous | random thoughts | share[]
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