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South Dakota

We didn't leave Ft Collins until 3pm so we couldn't make it to South Dakota before sunset. At 6pm we stopped in Wheatland and ate a patty melt at Casey's Timberhouse and it was delicious.

All the way to SD, we listened to David Sedaris' Me Talk Pretty One Day which is read by him and hilarious. As we approached the Black Hills Park, we saw many prairie dogs. As we stopped to take pictures they started barking loudly and you could hear hundreds of them.

In Custer State Park, we ran into a bison right in the middle of the road. It seemed to be minding its own business and didn't even glance at us. By then, the sun was setting so we looked for a campground which we found right in the middle of the park. The place said it was full but thanks to cancellations we got a spot and made in just in time to watch the 20minute Spring Prairie movie.

After our best night of camping ever, we got on the road at 6:30am and saw some bighorn sheep and pronghorn antelopes on the way to the Crazy Horse memorial. The memorial was huge but we didn't get to get close as we were there too early and they were also blasting the mountain.

We then drove back and up the Needles Highway Scenic Drive to Mount Rushmore. Both Rushmore and the Horse memorial were somewhat of a letdown after the amazing nature we saw in the last few days.

We stopped by Rapid City, bought batteries, wifi card, movies, Naked on CD, and drove on. One the way over we saw huge signs for Wall Drug and, thanks to Sarah, I knew to stop. We ate lunch and drove to the colorful Badlands.

Lodging: Marriott@$72 in CO & Custer Park Camping@$15 in SD
Car's Mileage: 12103
Gas: $12@1.48 & $13.95@1.65
Roads: 25 to Orin, 18/85 to Hot Springs, 385 to Wind Cave Nat. Park, 87 and 244 to to Mt. Rushmore, 16 to Rapid City, 90 and 240 to the Badlands
Sites: Custer State Park, Crazy Horse Memorial, Black Hills National Park, The Needles, Mount Rushmore, Rapid City, Wall Drug, Badlands Nat. Park

July 14, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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