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I love taking scrapbooking classes. I love teaching them and I love taking them. So I wanted to let you know about some other classes my friends will be teaching in the next few weeks. I will be taking all of them.

First up, is Becca who is one of my A Million Memories design team members. I love Becca's clean yet absolutely stunning style and I am looking forward to making this minibook with her. You can find a lot more about the class here and it also has the link on how to sign up.

Secondly, is my friend Vivian. I have loved and admired Vivian's art for so long, I can't even tell you. Since she's all the way in Australia, I've begged her to teach classes online since I've met her and I am so so thrilled that she's finally doing so!! She's offering two online workshops both of which look stunning to me and I cannot wait to start them!!

October 17, 2008 | scrapbooking | share[]
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