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Sip of Wine

I can't drink alcohol. As a teenager in Istanbul, I used to be able to drink Safari and peach juice but only when I absolutely had to. Since I've been in the States, I get a weird sensation with every sip of alcohol. My whole body burns and I feel like my clothes are strangling me, especially my underwear. I've been known to take off all my clothes after a wine cooler.

I've tried many different forms of alcohol, anything from wine to beer to hard alcohol to wine coolers. I seem to be okay with shots mostly because they don't sit in my throat for an extended period of time, so when forced (or let's say strongly urged) I will do shots. I only drank lemonade at my wedding and hated the sip of wine I had to have as part of the ceremony.

Recently, I decided it was important that I be able to drink wine and possibly beer. In an effort to help me, Jake took me to a local shop and we bought a bottle of Chardonnay and a bottle of Merlot. Last night, we opened the white wine and poured a glass for each of us. Fully determined, I drank the entire glass.

If I said I enjoyed it, I'd be lying. But I did manage to keep my clothes on and I didn't chug the glass, I sipped it slowly. I'm told after a few glasses, I might even start enjoying the experience.

September 08, 2003 | previous | personal | share[]
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