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As an animal lover, I urge you to visit paws for a cause.

Only ONE day before I fly home; two till I get there. It's so weird. I only start missing home when I know I'm about to go there. I mean, I miss my family and my friends all the time, but right before I am about to fly home, everything increases by several orders of magnitude. Suddenly, I can't get home soon enough. I want to be there now. I start calling my friends and telling them that I'm coming and the excitement in their voices makes me ache to be there immediately. Since my sister had her amazing twins, I have started going home about ever four months and it's never enough. I can and do spend every waking moment of my vacation with them. Oh, I'm homesick all over again. Only 48 hours to my plane.

I read this article in Real Simple magazine about a couple who moved from Los Angeles to a farm in Oregon where they grow lavender. He's an actor and she's a documentary writer and they talk about how much their life has changed for the better since the move. They talk about the hikes, walks, and rafting. They talk about how they made friends immediately. I often tell myself that I want to leave New York and my friends make fun of me. Someone who can never do fewer than six things at a time could never live anywhere else probably. Still, the idea of living in between lavender or walking by a lake with my dog by my side spawns dreamy images. I hope I can muster the courage to try such a drastic life change. Maybe we can have a trial run in Martha's Vineyard. Then again, I hear it gets freezing there over the winter...Sigh!


October 04, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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