<b>Deady</b><br>A few years ago, Jake and I each bought a fighting fish (beta) for our cubicles. Mine lived for over a year but his office was considerably cooler or at least unpleasant for this little fish, so his died very quickly. After its demise, a workmate of Jake's kept referring to the fish as dead-y so we still refer to the poor little fish that way. This particular shot was taken with the Macro and it's at Oceanside, CA. There are a ton of fishermen at the pier and this particular fish was sitting on the pier and I couldn't help but take a shot since the transparent part of his mouth completely awed me.
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A few years ago, Jake and I each bought a fighting fish (beta) for our cubicles. Mine lived for over a year but his office was considerably cooler or at least unpleasant for this little fish, so his died very quickly. After its demise, a workmate of Jake's kept referring to the fish as dead-y so we still refer to the poor little fish that way. This particular shot was taken with the Macro and it's at Oceanside, CA. There are a ton of fishermen at the pier and this particular fish was sitting on the pier and I couldn't help but take a shot since the transparent part of his mouth completely awed me.

Since Jake and I moved to San Diego a year and a half ago, we haven't made a huge number of friends here. It's a combination of a lack fo effort and lack of circumstance. We both work from home. My office has a total of seven people and he works for himself. Having come from huge Wall Street firms, our current setup isn't condusive to making work friends. We attempted to go to a few meetup events in the beginning but just got lazy.

This is why I had assumed that I wouldn't have a baby shower. I figured I wouldn't have anyone to invite. But four different people offered to throw us a shower and in the end we had fifteen people over on Saturday for the baby shower. It turns out we have more local friends than we thought. It's amazing how little things make you realize the day to day things you take for granted.

Major thanks go to my friend Cynthia who really did 99.9% of the work. To Ashlie who surprised me and came all the way from St. Louis just for the shower. To Jess and Chris who, even though they didn't actually get to make it since the weather was extremely uncooperative, had intended to drive all the way from San Fran for the day. And to Stacey who drove down from Palm Springs in torrential rain. And to everyone who came and intended to come.

It appears we, and our soon to be, are luckier than I ever imagined. We are surrounded by amazing people.

January 10, 2005 | personal | share[]
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