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Spring might finally be coming to New York City.

This winter has been one of the most eventful and thrilling in my life. The roller coaster ride that is my life has reached new levels and promises to get even steeper. It's not that I don't think of writing my site all the time like I used to, it's just that I recognize it for what it is now. I began it cause I thought it would be fun to unleash my thoughts onto the web. I went through the "please read me" obsession and made a lot of adjustments over the first few months. As a good student I complied with my inner regulation that I shall write every day. A little voice in me kept repeating that people would stop coming if I stopped updating regularly. I accomplish. I finish the things that I start. And nothing, no trip, or person was to stop me from doing my daily homework by posting my site.

And then September came and went and my belief system, which was already on its last legs, shattered.

I like the fact that snakes shed their skin. I wish I could shed my skin each time I wanted to. In the last few months I've realized that I live my life according to other people's priorities more often than I'd like to. We all grow up listening to rules that the adults around us present. Between birth and adulthood, there are many adults who come in and out of our lives like parents and other family members, teachers, baby sitters, mentors, managers, etc. Each person comes with his or her own baggage and each person pushes us different ways. In my life, I have met very few adults who've encouraged me to find out what I want and who I am. People have promoted me and helped me walk the path that I claimed I wanted. But no one pushed me to discover myself.

I don't mean to imply that people stood in my way or that I wasn't allowed to be me. I mean I don't think I knew what "being me" was. Looking around me, I don't think this is a rare phenomenon. I guess what's unusual is my need to work on getting to know me, getting to be me. Which is an ongoing challenge since who I am seems to change constantly. This makes me think that the struggle - and joy - of getting to know me could take forever.

My life until now has been all about the destination. All about the path that would take me there. All about reaching, working, struggling and achieving. I think that now I'm ready for some living. You might think that quitting a part-time, somewhat cushy job for a challenging and scary new career might not be the best way to start living, but I think that's exactly the way.

Leaving the old skin behind to grow a new one.

One that might not lead anywhere. One that might just be a side trip on my journey. One that might even be the biggest mistake I will have made. One that I am determined to make the most of. One that will change my life. One that has already changed my life.

While I see the value of a destination, I want to take a break and enjoy the journey. Sink into the moment. Pay attention inward. Pay attention outward. Pay attention in general.

That might be why I am not so sad about not writing my site daily anymore. I know that when the need comes back, it will still be there and I will do it again. Until then, intermittent is good enough for me.

Spring is coming to New York and I am ready for it.

Previously? Together but Apart.

April 02, 2002 | previous | personal | share[]
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