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I spent a large portion of the last two days in a car. Since I don't drive, I did the passenger seat thing, which I must say is not much more fun than driving. When you drive, at least you are doing something. I always have these plans to do a lot of writing and reading that, somehow, never get done. If I were driving, I at least I would never hope to get other things done.

Anyhow, we drove from New York to Boston for the annual Serve-A-Thon. Since Jake was a City Year Corps member in 1992, he and his family do the Serve-A-Thon every year. If you're from New York, it's similar to the New York Cares Day. I really enjoy the day-long community service sessions cause everyone is so hyped up and you meet all sorts of interesting people. The best news I heard today as that City Year is planning to come to New York. I've been wanting to volunteer for them for a long time and now it looks like I might get the opportunity. Yeaay!

After cleaning the park and raking leaves all day, we drove to New Haven where Jake's brother goes to college. His roommates and he are throwing a Halloween party. I didn't even go to parties much when I was in college so it's funny that I should choose to attend one four years after I graduated. We'll see how this turns out.


October 28, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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