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If you read six's page, you may have noticed his recent note on self acceptance and telling other people your opinions.

As in most things, I have quite a few things to say about that.

I've always been opinionated. I used to think that certain choices just feel right to me, but when questioned, I seem to have no problem coming up with well thought out reasons to back up my beliefs. So it seems I do think about things.

I am not exactly sure of the ways in which I come up with my opinions and beliefs. Some of them are intuition, others are from having read on issues and some are from having talked to friends who have opinions. I find the final way the most effective.

There is nothing more challenging and more rewarding than talking to an intelligent friend whose opinions differ from yours. When I was in college, I had a friend who disagreed with me on just about everything. He was really bright and had sound reasons for his beliefs. We spent hours talking about abortion and marriage and many other controversial issues.

His reasons made me think, in some cases they made me reconsider. In others, they made me hang on to my beliefs even more. But the best part is that our conversations challenged me. They made me see these issues from a different perspective.

When I was in high school we used to have to debate in class on topics where we didn't agree with the opinion we were arguing for. The teacher thought it was important to realize that there are two sides to every story and nothing is ever black or white. She was a good teacher.

So if you have opinions, I say speak up. Learning starts with sharing. Wise people will never flame you for having a different view, especially when you have your reasons. And narrow-minded people will always judge you and tell you you're a moron for thinking that way no matter how well constructed your reasoning. Such people are not worth worrying about.

I'm always up for others challenging my beliefs and choices. Anything that pushes me to explain myself helps me get to know myself better.

And you know what they always say: Know thyself.

Prevously? Trust.

January 23, 2001 | previous | personal | share[]
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