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My aunt called me today and we were talking about her husband’s son, David. He’s a kid from her husband’s previous marriage. An actor and a real nice kid. This guy works for a few months and once he’s got some money saved, he and his girlfriend go traveling around the world. They travel till their money runs out and then they do it all over again.

My aunt’s son, not a step but her own son, just quit a secure job where he held a solid title. He quit so that he and two friends could start their own company.

I said, "Good for them, this is the best time for them to take risks. They have no dependants, no obligations to anyone but their own selves."

The thing is, I totally believe what I said. Assuming all goes well, I'll most likely be trying to start a family in a few years. Few being two or three at this point, not five or ten. If I had any say, I would like to have my first kid by the time I'm thirty. This means I have about three years or so to play. This thought process is one of the reasons I decided to go part-time, but sometimes even that's not enough.

Tonight Jake and I were talking about how nice it would be for us to spend two months in Burgaz. In the summer, my family lives on that tiny island which sits on the Marmara Sea. If you look at the pictures on the link you can easily see that this place is like a small piece of heaven. The island is so small that you can tour the entire circumference in about three hours, on foot. No cars are allowed on it, we only have horse carriages. The neat thing is, we already have a home on this island. It would be so nice if we could just escape to Burgaz for two months and read our books, swim, lie under the sun, and sleep.

Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? Except, we won't be able to go. Cause we're not the type to just drop everything and leave. We both have quite secure jobs. My job is truly awesome in many ways and I don't think I want to take the risk of losing it. We have a nice home, a little bird, and weekly obligations.

I can sit here and keep making excuses, but I think it all comes down to the same thing. We're too chicken.

Previously? Nice!

January 07, 2001 | previous | personal | share[]
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