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Tonight's Emmy's guests are wearing a yellow ribbon, which got me thinking. I hopped on google and started a search on the different ribbon campaigns. I was going to list all of them here until I found the site. This site has a bigger list than one I could've come up with. There are 192 ribbon campaigns and over 50 orphaned ones. Talk about an overused symbol.

Most of the ribbons are for sicknesses of serious messages. However, there are some fun ones. We have the Less Crap Online one and the Anti-Gravity Campaign. People asking you to Ban the Blink and to Fight Against Decaf Coffee. This one wants you to stop calling those annoying e-mails spam. And this guy is so pissed at Yahoo! that he launched an Anti-Yahoo Campaign.

What would your ribbon say?

September 10, 2000 | previous | links | share[]
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