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I don't know what happened.

To be fully honest, it's been this way since September. I just can't seem to find something worthwhile to say. September and October were spent in confusion, disbelief, and applications. I honestly cannot even remember November.

December had me interviewing, brought a proposal, a promotion, a job offer, more holiday food, and a lovely New Year's eve. All in one month.

January turned my life upside down, sent Jake back to work, meant we're definitely not moving to Texas just yet, brought on some begging to make my new career work, and meant hours and hours of work planning for the upcoming wedding.

February so far promises my first flight since September, an engagement party in Istanbul, and more wedding arrangements.

Through all this, one would think I'd have more to write about. More to think about. More to feel. More to blabber on and on. But somehow I don't. Most days, I sit on the computer, trying to come up with something fascinating, something interesting, something readable. And I end up with nothing.

I'm not exactly sure why.

I spend most of my free time lying on the couch staring at the TV. I knit like mad, trying to finish my sister's and nephews' scarves on time. I'm trying to keep the wedding thing together. I'm trying not to disappoint my manager and team at work. I'm trying to arrange our honeymoon plans. I'm trying to read up on teaching and study for the New York State licensing exams. My brain is pretty close to turning to mush and I am just barely able to do the context switching when necessary.

Maybe that's why I can't seem to write much lately. Any ideas?

Previously? Power of Many.

January 22, 2002 | previous | personal | share[]
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