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Pretty Days

I love beautiful days like these, a perfect fall day. Sunny and warm but not hot and humid. I'm so glad that Jake made me go to Central Park. Just sitting there and reading the New York Times calmed me and made me feel happie to be alive. So much pleasure from such a small thing.

I also spent some of today scanning pictures of my awesome nephews. Are these not the cutest kids you've ever seen? Well, I might be partial but they make my heart do cartwheels.

Lately, I've been pondering how different my life might have been had I been born in the United States. Besides the small differences, I wonder if the major parts of my life would have been the same. Since no one in my family or surroundings was an avid reader, would I have been a book lover even if I were American? Would I still have learned as many languages? Would I have still chosen to major in computers? Or would I have wanted to be an artist or a writer? Being a writer was not a realistic possibility for me in Turkey. It's not that we don't have writers, it's just that, in my limited surroundings, that would not have been an option. I have a feeling I would have been much more involved in environmental causes and community service. I might have been a vegetarian. It comes down to how much your genes affect you versus your environment. I wonder what about me would have been exactly the same (besides the physical appearance, of course). I will never have the answers but I still can't help wondering.


October 21, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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