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There are times I wish that wishing was enough.

This is the eleventh year that I've made this wish and still I know it won't come true. A wish that involves another person. A wish that is beyond my control.

When I was little, one of my teachers told me that my wish would come true if I wanted it badly enough. I interpreted that to mean hard work and strong will. I always worked hard to achieve my goals. Things didn't always turn out exactly as I wanted them but when I look back on my life, I can't think of one unfulfilled wish that I still think about.

Except this one.

There have been times in my life where I was too scared or worried to take a path. I've regretted some and not others but I've always recognized that whether it be due to weakness or insecurity, the choices were mine and so is the responsibility. In cases where my actions, or lack thereof, have affected others, I've tried hard to apologize. Many have responded to my apologies with kindness and understanding.

Some have not.

In cases where another person doesn't feel the way I do about resolving an issue that might have come up between us, I feel completely powerless. There are many emotions I don't prefer to experience but feeling powerless in relation to something I care deeply about must be in the top five.

I've talked to many people about this situation in the last ten years and the consensus seems to be that I should let go of it. "You've done all that you could. Just relax and forget about it."

Easy for you to say.

I can't forget about it. I choose not to forget about it. I don't want to forget the fact that there's a part of me that is capable of hurting someone so deeply that they won't forgive me, even a decade later. One might say, that should make me powerful; the fact that I can have such a strong influence on another human being. But it doesn't. I just makes me scared. It makes me sad. I care about this person. I want this person to be in my life again. I want to not have caused this much pain to another person. I want us to share moments of life again. To cherish the good memories.

Yet none of that can happen without forgiveness.

November 03, 2003 | previous | relationships | share[]
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