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Yes, I know I haven't done the looking forward post yet. I have had a fever of 101 for the last four days and I've pretty much been in bed the whole time. I will do the post as soon as I pick up all the pieces I've been dropping for the last few days. David's been sick twice in the last three weeks and Jake just came from the hospital where he found out that he has a well-advanced ear infection. So our household has welcomed 2008 in our own special way. By being sick.

Anyhow. I'm starting two new things this year: picture of the day and daily David. We'll see how far I go, but the goal is to capture random photos from my day. They are not meant to be high quality (though they can). They are meant to document something from my day. Each day.

Today's is about our tree. This year, we got a real tree for the first time in ten years and we decorated it with white and blue ornaments and lights. It made this holiday season my very favorite. I looked forward to seeing that tree every night when I came home and every morning when I woke up. So this photo is to commemorate our last day with the tree.

January 03, 2008 | picture of the day | share[]
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