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This is with the AMM April Kit.

Journaling Reads:
"Mommy, I want to play chest," you said the other day.

I had no idea what you were talking about until you pointed at the chess/checkers set we had sitting on the shelf. "Do you mean chess?" I asked.

"Yes," you said, "chesst."

After I chuckled to myself, I told you that Daddy was the person who would teach you how to play chess. Just that week, your Daddy had been telling me that he wanted to sit with you and teach you how to play chess. I secretly thought it was too soon and that you wouldn't really pay attention properly, but I didn't say anything.

And, boy, was I wrong.

You learned all the piece's names and how they move within a few minutes and played with Daddy for almost an hour before your mind wandered.

I was wrong to underestimate you, little boy, a little more practice and you can learn chess after all.

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