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We're still stuck in West Palm Beach. We went to the car shop today and the car may not even be ready on Saturday. He said Saturday or Monday. Jake's brother is graduating on Sunday in Atlanta so if we don't get the car on Saturday we have to rent another car (our current rental is in-state only) and drive up there and come back to pick up our car. That would be a major bummer. I am just hoping it won't have to come to that.

In theory, I am aware that Palm Beach isn't the worst place to get stuck in the world but the fact is both of us are really upset about the car and don't seem to be in the mood to do anything. I have a million things to do in the hotel room alone: I can read the 40 books I brought with me, I can organize and post my pictures for the last week, I can start working on my novel, I can email friends to whom I owe a reply. Not to mention, I can hang out at the pool and just relax.

But I won't do any of those.

I also won't go to Disney World, which I adore. Or anywhere else that might be fun in this huge state. Yesterday Jake had to drag me to the movies or I wouldn't have gone there either. I am simply determined to be in a bad mood.

Stupid? You bet!

I'm just frustrated and scared. I keep worrying we're going to get into another accident. I am freaked out constantly. I am even wondering how we will do the big trip on August if we get in another accident. Now that someone hit us I keep thinking it will happen over and over again.

Crazy? You bet!

May 08, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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