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What flavor are you? via Harrumph.

I am peppermint! Crisp and refreshing, you're the flavor of candy canes and after-dinner mints — everyone's favorite comfort candies. If you were a season, you'd be winter — bracing and energizing, but cozy, too. Your honesty and forthright personality make people feel like they've known you forever — they can't help but be drawn to your sweet, fresh nature. Perhaps a little old-fashioned, and occasionally shy, you're generally happy and well-liked. Traditional and invigorating, you're a truly tasty treat.

Hmm. Winter. My favorite season is Spring. And I must say my forthright personality often embarrasses the people around me. And I hate peppermint! Oh well, at least it was correct about how people can’t help being drawn to me. Heh heh.

September 21, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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