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Pay It Forward - the book

Make sure to watch the debate tonight. It's bound to be interesting. I'm not eligible to vote and I'll be watching.

Last night, I stayed up late and finished Pay it Forward. I started it at 2pm yesterday and was done the same day, which must mean some positive things about the book. The interesting thing is that I didn't really enjoy the way the book was written and organized. I didn't like the jumping of viewpoints amongst several characters and I didn't like that she switched from 1st Person to 3rd and back. But the story was engrossing, at least for me. The idea that you can change the world is always a good topic of discussion for me.

I love the rush of reading a book all day long cause I can't possibly put it down. Especially when it's not pure trash. .

3 days till I go home! Yeeeaaaaay!

October 03, 2000 | previous | literature | share[]
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