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I can't exactly be sure when it all started.

Maybe it's cause, as a little kid, I had friends who didn't think I fit in and didn't like me to be around most of the time. Maybe it's cause I've met too many two-faced people. Maybe it's just me and my overactive imagination.

But I seem to suffer from paranoia. Not the kind movies are made of where you think someone is out to kill you, but the kind where you think no one likes you. That's not even exactly accurate. I know that Jake loves me and I have a few really close friends whom I trust to tell me the truth.

With most other people, I am more guarded than usual and I look for any excuse to conclude that they harbor negative thoughts towards me. It's like the walking into a room when people suddenly grow quiet effect, but it's tripled or even worse. Someone mentions something that annoys him or her and I make a quick mental search to see if I've ever done that to that person. Are they talking about me? Are they trying to give hints that I piss them off?

I remember watching Pretty Woman years ago and there is a scene where he tells her how beautiful she is and she says that the bad stuff is easier to remember. Even back then, I agreed with that wholeheartedly. Jake must have told me millions of amazing and loving words over the years, most of which I can't recall, but I can tell you almost every single mean word he used. When he mentions something negative, I am much more willing to accept it as truth than when he compliments me.

Since I know I am screwed up in this manner, I tend to ask my friends to be fully honest with me. I'm less likely to be paranoid about what they might be saying behind my back if I know they can tell the brutal truth to my face. As distinctly as I remember the negative, it's nothing compared to what my imagination can do, so often times, the brutal truth is much milder than what I cooked up.

Amazing how a few bad friends can ruin you for life.

Previously? Loss of Memories

February 12, 2001 | previous | emotional | share[]
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