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Out of Florida

We finally made it out of Florida! Our car was ready at around 3pm. It looks almost the same as the original but my inquisitive eye did catch glimpses of glitches it the paint. There is also a tiny sound when you turn the car slightly. Other than that we're good as new. We made it all the way up to Adel, Georgia last night where we stopped for the night at a Days Inn for 35bucks. The funny thing was that if we took a room downstairs instead it would have cost us 45bucks. We asked her if the rooms were bigger or safer downstairs and she said that the only difference was the stairs. We got to bed at 10:30 after filling up the tank for $15.62 at 1.69 a gallon, Jake was really sad to see gas for $1.19. We also saw a hotel for 15bucks a night. Both were in Georgia which is officially the cheapest gas and lodging we've seen so far.

We spent yesterday reading Catch Me If You Can (I read aloud while Jake drove). While it isn't a literary accomplishment, it is astonishing how much the guy got away with and a really neat story since it's true. We also tried to name all the state capitals which wasn't a very successful attempt (nerds, I know).

We woke up at 6am and got back on the road as our first commitment in Atlanta is today at 10, which we should make if there are no problems on the road.

I can't tell you how glad I am to be out of Florida!

May 11, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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