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We arrived in Portland around noon. We drove down to the historic district where the saturday market made its home. We walked around for a while and bought a postcard. I read that Powell's bookstore was in the city so we asked around and drove to it.

After the two Sedaris CD sets and Cause Celeb by Helen Fielding that my friend Ashlie had lent me, we were out of audio CDs so we bought Reefer Madness by Eric Schlosser, Fraud by David Rakoff, maneater by Gigi Grazer, Dirk Gently's Detective Agency by Douglas Adams and the Kid Stays in the Picture by Robert Evans. Cause Celeb was quite dumb really. But I am not a fan of Fielding anyway. I imagine Maneater will not be so great either but it might be fun. Schlosser's voice is too monotonous but the reasearch, like in Fast Food Nation, is quite detailed and interesting. Though obviously biased so far.

We're now on the way to Idaho; spending the night in either Boise or Craters of the Moon. Even though we stayed in Portland only 2 hours, the city was very clean, very green and quite beautiful.

Lodging: none
Car's Mileage: 14,922
Gas: $19.00@1.79
Roads: 84 east all the way after 5
Sites: Portland

July 19, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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