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Life is about options. Each time you choose to do something, you’re choosing to do that thing over something else. While we think long and hard about some choices we make, we arbitrarily make many others. For example, most of us, I hope, wake up and brush our teeth. We don’t stop and think about whether we should or not. It’s something we’ve done since childhood and it’s automatic. This is an obvious example but I bet there are many other things in your life that you do without thinking cause at one point you made the decision to do things that way. Take today to think of some things you do without realizing that you’ve made that choice over something else. Do you always go out drinking on Thursday nights? Do you spend Sunday nights talking to your mother? Whatever it is, try and observe the choices you make a little more carefully since your priorities might have changed since the last time you made that decision.

Wow, I didn’t mean to drivel like that. I have no idea where it came from. Anyhow, after that heavy piece, here’s some fun. Okay, not very funny, but I’m trying.

Btw, we bought it and I highly recommend it.

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