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One Year - Eight and a Half Years

I met my husband in October of 1994. We quickly became close friends, mostly due to one fact: we had tons of fun together. We spent more time laughing than anything else. We talked for hours.

Almost nine years later, he still makes me laugh more than anyone else. I still prefer his company over any alternative. Many fights, many sad times and many tough times later, he is still my best friend.

A few months ago, I was looking for a book called "Important Questions" which contained a list of questions couples should ask each other before they decided to wed. I felt the idea was good but it would never work. People tend to lie in an effort to appear what they wish they were over what they really are. Thus, either party would answer untruthfully and the exercise would be pointless. Who would honestly say, a month before they marry their partner, that they might leave him or her if he or she gets fired. I think the answers can only come with first-hand experience. This is where dating for eight years comes in handy: chances are you've already lived through most of the questions. I know we have.

My love and I just celebrated our one-year anniversary which feels funny since we've been together about nine years. Do we start from scratch just because we now have a wedding date instead of a "dating date"?

We spent every minute of May together, most of those minutes in a car or in a tent. Amazingly, we still have much to talk about and he's still my favorite person.

I love you, baby. Happy Annivesary.

May 27, 2003 | previous | emotional | share[]
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