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Not Homeless Anymore

After four days of extensive searching, we signed the lease on a place that was way above our planned budget but we got an unbelivable list of amenities, including two pools, two gyms, free yoga and pilates lessons, and a movie theather that shows films twice a week with free sode and popcorn, oh and free coffee each morning till 11. And they let me get a dog, which is appearantly a huge luxury in San Diego. All this in the very complex we live. We figured we could love like this for a year and then depending on how the job and living situation works out we will adjust accordingly.

At least we will have a home and a bed to call our own tonight. Cross your fingers. Next order of business is moving our stuff here, getting serious about learning to drive (this is just me as Jake is normal and drives perfectly. I have about 20 days under my belt and am not fully ready to make the progress to daily driving). Not to mention, I need a job.

If you have any advice on whether to get a company or UHaul stuff ourselves, we are open to suggestions, and of course, if you have a job to offer, I am open for those too.

July 28, 2003 | previous | personal | share[]
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