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North Carolina to Philly

We woke up to another rainy, crappy day and thus decided not to get back on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Instead, we are taking major highways to get to spend tonight with my friend Jenn in Philly.

The return trip has been less fun and less interesting mostly due to tornadoes, a ton of rain, having to stay in hotels, raised anxiety levels due to the accident, and long days of driving. Nickel and Dimed is proving to be an interesting read as well as sad and thought-provoking. We're nearly done with it and I'm looking for other good read-aloud suggestions. It appears non-fiction works better than fiction. I've already read The Tipping Point and Fast Food Nation, both of which I think would have been good reads. If you have any suggestions, leave me a comment or email me.

I've only been to Philly twice before, once during college to visit my boyfriend-at-the-time and once two years or so ago to visit my brother in law, both in UPenn. My friend Jenn is also working at the school where she's a PhD candidate in Art History. I wonder if everyone in Philly is somehow or another connected to UPenn?

We made it to my friend's house on time and spent a beautiful night with her. To top it of she sent me on my way with three books. Anywhere I can stay for free and walk away with books is magic to me.

Gas: $10.99@1.39 and $7.27@1.41
Toll: $7.00
Miles on the car: 5802
Lodging: Marion, NC Days Inn @ $42.63
States: NC, VA, DC, MD, DE, PA
Sites: well we took 40 to 85 to 95 so we saw pretty much interstate highways all day long.

May 19, 2003 | previous | travel | share[]
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