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After a week of non-stop unpacking, our apartment is beginning to look almost normal. We still haven't hung any of our pictures but all the computers are installed, so are the TVs and stereo, every box is unpacked except for two. You can even walk around without tripping over stuff. Part of me is happy to finally get to slow down and take some down time during the day, the other part of me knows this means having to finally get a job. That part wishes the unpacking could go on forever.

Driving isn't going so well. I know millions of people do it and I know that technically I am capable of doing it, but it's really stressful and quite painful. I hate feeling as incompetent as the car makes me feel. Only two weeks to the exam and I am sure to fail it.

Looking for a job is yet another nightmare. I haven't truly interviewed since college. Transfering within Goldman didn't really count as I didn't have to sell myself so much. TFA didn't count because it was a completely different ballgame. I'm really not looking forward to the hours of interviews and the thousands of resume renditions. Fun, fun.

It's amazing how little we tend to enjoy downtime. We're either busy with the job or desperately looking for one. Seems like a sad existence. No wonder I prefer to work for myself.

August 20, 2003 | previous | personal | share[]
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