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New Year's Eve

So we made it.

Jake and I spent most of yesterday watching football. Well, he watched football and I lay in bed, reading my book. Around 9pm, we started playing Ms. PacMan and we only stopped several minutes before midnight to walk over to the living room and watch Dick Clark as the ball dropped. After watching twenty more minutes of TV, we walked back into the bedroom and played video games for several more hours.

This was the first year since I moved to New York that I had no plans for New Year’s eve. Well, at least none that I was able to follow up on.

This was the first year most of my friends didn’t even know I was in town.

This was the first year Jake and I gave each other’s presents well before New Year’s in anticipation of not being in town for the actual night and not wanting to carry the presents through three states and back.

This was the first year in three years that we went to bed well after midnight.

We had sparkling cider and toasted with a kiss.

And we didn’t fight.

This is going to be a good year; I can feel it.


January 01, 2001 | previous | holidays | share[]
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