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Near Family

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Checkout PlanetProject. It sounds like a neat idea but I am not sure how it will turn out.

After a fourteen-hour sleep, I feel much better. The most interesting part about visiting a country like Turkey is that it looks totally different each time you come. Even for me, especially for me. The perpetual construction causes the skyline to change dramatically and constantly. People adhere to the strict rules of fashion. A new American-sounding restaurant or cafe opens weekly. When I grew up, we never had most foreign foods. No such thing as cereal or bagels or M&Ms. Now, everything is here. When I first moved to the United States, eight years ago, one dollar was six thousand Turkish Lira and now it's over six hundred thousand Lira. These are just a few of the changes. For me it's fascinating each time. It's also sort of sad cause some of my favorite childhood places have disappeared.

My sister and her husband just bought a house. Besides the fact that there is no such thing as a mortgage here, it's also weird that they bought the house while it's being constructed. I mean so much so that it doesn't even have the toilets installed yet. It leaves most of the work to imagination.

It's wonderful to be near family. Even though I miss Jake a lot, I love getting to see my parents and my sister and the smiles on the tiny, sweet faces of my nephews. Kids are truly amazing. They are the definition of the word 'joy'.

Happy Yom Kippur to you. My fast has officially started. May it end quickly and well. Lots of sleeping, reading, and movie watching to do tomorrow.


October 08, 2000 | previous | family | share[]
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