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Multiple Classes

More Than Words
I've decided to try something new. I will post a lyric from a song everyday but I won't tell you who it's from. If you know the name of the band/person and the song, email me and the next day I will have the answers as well as the names of the people who guessed correctly.

Here's today's: "I just don't understand how you can smile with all those tears in your eyes"

Have suggestions?

Goody Links
If you're into words like I am, checkout a collection of word oddities and trivia. It has a page of names that became words, commonly misspelled words and much more. Thanks Cheryl, for the link.

If you have science questions, you should checkout Mad Sci Network. As they put it, it's a "collective cranium of scientists providing answers to your questions. For good measure we provide a variety of oddities and other ends as well."

The interesting thing about a sign language class is that you can have several in the same area. Where I take my classes, we have two different levels being taught in the same room. Since the students are not allowed to speak during class, the two classes don't interfere with each other. Kinda neat, eh?

September 26, 2000 | previous | learning & education | share[]
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