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I finally registered for all my classes. Yeay!

Saturday night Jake and I went to a restaurant by our house to have dinner. The weather was so wonderful that we looked for a place with outside seating. As we sat on the bench outside the restaurant, waiting to get a table, a small, brown mouse scurried by us towards the tables. These tables were outside the restaurant but within a low barricade the restaurant had put to separate itself from the sidewalk. Jake and I looked at each other and waited for the shrieks to come. Ten minutes later, we were seated and forgot all about the mouse, until the woman in the table behind ours cried out a few unintelligible words as we saw the poor mouse run for his life squeezing below the tent barricade. The owner of the restaurant simply shook his head as the animal tried to find freedom. I truly think it's impossible to live in New York City if you're afraid of mice or bugs of any sort. You wouldn't be able to walk down the street or use the subway. As this little mouse made its way across the road, two women walked by and one shrieked while the other said, "Why are you so scared? It's Mickey Mouse." No joke.

August 22, 2000 | previous | personal | share[]
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