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Mount Avalon

We spent the weekend in New Hampshire. My first time. The leaves had already started turning yellow, orange and red. Living in New York and working too many hours, it's easy to lose track of the changing of the seasons. I highly recommend that you go out and watch nature for a few minutes.

We climbed Mount Avalon. My first climb ever. The weather was quite unaccommodating as it drizzled all the way up and the climb was steep. But we made it to the top and it was amazing. I can certainly understand the rush of feeling on top of the world. (Even though this mountain was tiny compared to the substantial ones.)

We dined at the beautiful Mount Washington Hotel and drove up Mount Washington. The weather was so bad that 4 miles up the road the visibility was no more than 30 feet. At one point, we couldn't even see the car driving in front of us.

All in all, it was a great weekend. Getting away once in a while helps the brain.

September 24, 2000 | previous | travel | share[]
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