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Of all the things we discussed in the Managing Your Energy class the one that resonated the most with me was about the importance of being valued. I know I wrote about this recently but I wanted to repeat it. For me.

Take a moment and think of each and every time you have gotten upset at something that you can remember. Now go ahead and analyze what was going on. I bet you that you can trace each of them to "not feeling valued" by someone. It's amazing how strongly the need to be valued is tied to the core of our being. It's why we do much of what we do. Sometimes it's also why we don't do something.

It's why we get angry at others. Why we get disappointed and hurt. Jealous. Why we feel proud. Thrilled. Loved. All the bad feelings and all the good are tied to feeling the lack or presence of a sense of value. Each time I get mad or sad now, I step back to find where I felt lack of value so I can collect myself and move on. I learn to stop interacting with people who make me feel not valued.

And now that I realize this, I also understand why it's so important to recognize others. To thank them. To make them feel valued.

It changed my entire perspective of life. And weeks later, I am still thinking about it.

April 06, 2008 | relationships | share[]
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