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More Mistakes

I haven’t made many mistakes in my life.

With my record of letting go, that’s a real good thing.

The few mistakes I have made, I have never been able to forget and let go. The choices I made; the choices I didn’t make. Each and every mistake haunts me. Imagine what life would have been if I’d made more of them.


Lance’s new creation, The Dead Letter Office is all about that. I spent some time reading a few of the letters and it seems most people talk about what they didn’t do, what they wish they’d had the guts to do.

It’s amazing to me that so many people thought of mostly what they didn’t get to do in their death instead of all their accomplishments and happiness and loved ones.

Many people mentioned not getting to be with their loved one. I’ll leave that one for another day.

Tonight we watched The Family Man which is about a similar subject matter. It’s about the questions we ask ourselves. The “What If?”s

What if I’d never left Turkey?

What if I’d agreed to go out with him?

What if my parents never divorced?

What if I never met Jake?

There are two different kinds of what ifs. The ones you can control and the ones you cannot. Leaving Turkey was a choice. So was saying No. But the divorce and meeting Jake were beyond my control. It’s only the ones where I decided that I can regret. The reason I don’t most often is cause I remind myself of the choices I made and the rationale behind them.

No matter how much I think I’m bound to make some mistakes. I am only human, but everything is undoable. It’s never too late.

If it helps you to write the dead letter so you can figure out what your regrets are, that’s wonderful. But the real key is to fix them while you’re alive and live the rest of your life regret-free. What’s the way? Maybe a cheesy Nike logo: Just Do It.

You’ll be amazed how easy it is once you start.

I don’t need to write my dead letter, I already know what it would say. I do need to learn to get over my regrets.

They wear me down.

Previously? No Fights.

January 02, 2001 | previous | personal | share[]
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