<b>Are You Looking At Me?</b><br>In the last month, I've taken no less than 1,338 photos of David. I take a few pictures every single day because I want to have a record of his early days where something is changing every moment. I love to capture all of his facial expressions, his tiny little fingers and toes, his beautiful, huge blue eyes, and everything else about him. I have a photo for every day of his life, except for day three. I don't know how long I will keep taking daily photos but I don't intend to stop anytime soon.
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Are You Looking At Me?
In the last month, I've taken no less than 1,338 photos of David. I take a few pictures every single day because I want to have a record of his early days where something is changing every moment. I love to capture all of his facial expressions, his tiny little fingers and toes, his beautiful, huge blue eyes, and everything else about him. I have a photo for every day of his life, except for day three. I don't know how long I will keep taking daily photos but I don't intend to stop anytime soon.

Month One
Our little baby turns one month old today. He's been in this world for four weeks. He has grown from 6 pounds 13 ounces to 9 pounds 1 ounce. His hair has turned lighter and grown a lot. His eyes are even bluer than they were when he joined us. Even though I know it's not purposeful, his smiles are already heartbreaking.

Here's a list of google-queries I've made in the last month:

Post-partum depression
Over-active letdown
Acid Reflux
Breastfeeding with a fever
Curdled vs Hindmilk
Breastfeeding and peanutbutter
Gripe water downsides
Newborn stuffy nose relief
Baby massage
Umbilical cord care
Washing poop stains

Most of them were the overactive imagination of a new mom. One month down, millions more to go.

We love you more than words can express, David. Happy one month birthday.

March 08, 2005 | personal | share[]
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