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One of my layouts for Design Team work on the AMM November Kit.

Journaling Reads:
I have this theory that you do something new every single day and that by working, I actually miss a lot more than your dad says I do. He says each day is the same: you eat, you play, you sleep and then you do it all over again. But I know he’s wrong.

These last few weeks, I’ve had the luxury of being home with you and last week I took you to MyGym playtime instead of your dad. We’ve been going there for months and you’ve never ever gone in the ball pit. For the first few months, you wouldn’t even go near it. And then you started sitting next to it and leaning over to play with the balls.

But you still wouldn’t go in. Each time I suggested it, you said, “No!” and walked away. So imagine my surprise when, today, you walked right to the ball pit and jumped in. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Even when you started sinking, you didn’t panic. You played and played and played.

Maybe Daddy doesn’t notice these little things anymore cause he gets to be home with you every day, but, to me, these little things are the best part of being a mom and I am so sad that I miss them each and every single day.

November 04, 2007 | scrapbooking | share[]
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