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Mix of Thoughts

Many thoughts today.

I don't really hang out with Turkish people in the States. I have a few friends from home who live in New York but we see each other once every few months. My boyfriend is American and so are most of my close friends. Or they are Russian, Irish, Brazilian... anything but Turkish. This is not on purpose, but it is a fact. I also read almost exclusively in English. In the last ten years, I've read one Turkish book. The funny thing is right after I come back from a visit home, I'm totally immersed into Turkish culture. I'm reading a Turkish book and have been constantly listening to an amazing song by Teoman called Paramparca which translates to 'in pieces'. Here's the mp3 if you wanna listen. Even my mother adores this song.

Yesterday I happened to watch CBS's early show and they had the author of My War : A Love Story in Letters and Drawings from World War II. Mr. Sugarman had just gotten married when he was drafted and his wife gave him a set of watercolors and told him to paint for her. This book is a collection of those paintings and the love letters he wrote to her. I saw some of the pictures and heard an excerpt from the letters and they sound amazing. Even though I'm not usually a fan of war books, I am definitely getting this one.

The same show had a segment on bullying which is a real problem that doesn't get enough attention. The show talked about a new hotline for the issue. I'm glad someone's doing something about it.

I feel grateful that I'm not in the selling business. Either a product or a service. I believe selling well requires two strengths that I don't possess. One, self-confidence and two, ability to suck up well. I'm more on the paranoid side and tend to not think so highly of myself and I can't suck up to save my life. I would be a surefire failure in the selling business.

October is breast cancer awareness month. Be aware and make others aware.

It's really amazing how worked up I can get about the debates especially considering that I am not American and I cannot vote. I'm really enraged by some people's lack of attention and their apathy. You need to care. If you lose hope, what do you have left? Also, I really can't understand how people can vote for someone who is so obviously a total moron, but we won't get into that.

Told you I had a lot to say today...

Oh and I must mention the subway series. I hope the Mets win only cause the Yankees already have won so many in a row. It'd be neat to see the Mets in the spotlight for a change.


October 18, 2000 | previous | random thoughts | share[]
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